How to excel in Physics

Sir Issac Newton supposedly said “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”.

It is true that the  beauty of physics encompasses every aspect of human life so learning physics is more a part of  aptitude and should not be reduced to a mundane effort to rote learn a few facts and formulas for the sake of clearing some exams.With this word of advice let us dwell into the nitty-gritty of excelling in physics in examinations.

From years of closely observing and analyzing the traits of successful students I can make a hypothesis that good grades are not directly proportional to the number of hours one puts in but is definitely related to managing efforts on the appropriate things. Developing a  study strategy will result in higher marks. Here are a few tips.

1. Acquaint yourself briefly about what is scheduled to be taught in classes beforehand to inculcate interest in what is about to be taught.

2. Attend all the class attentively and take notes. If the teacher says something is important and is likely to be asked in a given exam highlight or bookmark it.

3. Make a formula copy in which you write all the main formulas and concepts briefly. Human memory like computer memory needs dynamic refreshal so revise the contents from time to time.

4. All the problem sheets and assignments given by teachers must be done as you would do an exam paper. For example, say there are fifteen problems then give yourself a fixed time and start with them without bothering to check the answer after each problem. Take a critical look at answers only after the allocated time. This will enhance your speed and focus.

5. Mark the problems which you could not do in a review footnote in the sheet and ask your teacher to explain them. After the teacher has solved them don't think it is done till you solve it yourself with your pen on paper. These are the problems you need to revise in the final run of revision as your brain was not able to comprehend them on the first attempt.

6. Most of the students have a problem solving numerical because they have not grasped the concept. Please know that a  numerical is just a problem a statement that states certain situation in numbers that needs to be solved using concepts learned. As Lord Kelvin said so rightly “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.”

7. Analytical ability and rationality is a trait that comes with practice and discipline. As you continue learning and are able to get correct answers you will enjoy solving new problems and that really is the key to success learning physics is different from learning the subjects of humanities because here more than the elaboration, it is the brevity that counts.

8. Last but not least, train yourself to relax. Physics and math will need time, if you approach them with a tensed mind you will soon get frustrated. Hence, never panic looking at the problem statement. Note your brain gathers information when you are attentive but your mind processes it when you relax.

Happy learning.



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